While playfully pondering the present plan to pursue pleasant paradise post-hast past Reno, I became intrigued by the mystery of *Dun dun DUN!*
Three Fingered Tony. This picture is Al Capone, he is not Tony, but he is a gangster. Legend goes that back in the 20's and 30's hundred of mafia victims were dropped into the deep dark waters of Tahoe. They say the deep water and cold temperature have prevented the bodies from float to the top and even preserved them. creepy eh? I say Tahoe or Bust! Roadtripapalooza 2006!
Why does Al Capone look like Jon Lovitz? Coincidence, right?
Holy alliteration Batman. How does Three Fingered Tony hold the weapon if he has no thumb? Does he have to shoot lefthanded? I could never be a gangsta.
He has a delicate jaw line, plasticly perfect lips and come-hither starey eyes. A monster.
Tahoe it is!
not a pretty man, that's for sure.
Whenever I hear about Jon Lovitz, I think of my brother Mark. He kind of looks like him. And is scabby and surly like him. Whenever I bring Jon Lovitz up with Mark, he says, a la Lovitz, "Jealous?" It's warm and yet so empty.
I want a popsicle.
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