21 January 2006

Awesome is the Natural enemy of the beaver...I mean of stuff that is lame

Well gang, seeing that we are both cool and also, not beavers I think it is imperative that we create something to inform the world of our humble coolness. For example a bowling team with a clever name like "not beavers" or our own magazine pyramid scam. After all, you're not cool unless a sizeable portion of all your profits goes to me. Or...here is the good one... Road Trippallooza '06! That's right friends, spring break gives us the blessed opportunity to pool our resources and resource our pools. Maybe this pic will inspire an unprecidented string of uninterupted amesome ideas. I am thinking San Fran... or Grand Cany(on) or Michi gan... catamaran... dental plan?


jeremy said...

I'm partial to Califo..., but that's just because I lived there. I have other friends going to the Havasupai area of the Grandeous Canyonerous, of which I'm pretty interested. Seeing as I've only seen said canyon (it's only a model) in passing. But I could be persuaded elsewhere, like the golden beaches of the Pacific, or the golden fields of Mountain Home. Especially if we plan out hitting an Arby's sometime during the trip. Mmmmm,mmmm - slow-roasted goodness.

FPrince said...

Lisa needs braces!

(I'm SO glad no one got to this first. You were just asking for it.)

FPrince said...

Cali it is. Now to get money. And work off.

T.R. said...

Yes! I want to go!!!

Unfortunately, I can't. My spring break is booked solid. D'oh.

Creativity Escapes Me said...

Can I come too?

jeremy said...

Oh, wait, T.R. wants to go. Now I have to rethink this whole thing.
Yes! I want to go!!!

jeremy said...

I was wondering why my comment didn't post. Apparently, so was Allison. Nice moves, T.R.

T.R. said...

ha! ha, I say!

FPrince said...

I was trying to count 9 posts..then I kept scrolling. Bwa ha ha, the power!
Booked solid? Well, I guess that means we'll be taking the bus. You were going to drive, right?