03 November 2007

Maybe Lo gan't

The lightly butter sky melts through the mashed potato clouds and down upon the rocky sentinels guarding the Cache Valley. Though the source of that western golden glow is silently skulking into the evening, hidden from view by the Wellsville Mountains, I know that it has direction and purpose. The sun is not some drunken hobo hoping from train to train, but a confident and proud citizen of this universe. Its role and duty made sure through divine appointment. As that solar sphere decends downwardly dooming the day, I can't help but to ponder my own direction. What would it be like to be so confident and content in your duties, satisfied in in where i'm going and why.

I have now been in Logan long enough to see nearly 500 sunsets. I make maps. Maps are useful for locating places, and how far they are from where you are. The irony of a lost map maker is not wasted on me. I don't know where I'm going and don't know how to get there but I know that there is not here. Not even a map maker can make a map to a place nobody knows.

And so here I am, pointed west, squinting into the future.


jasEn said...

You will miss that sweet view, though.

Awright13 said...

I ran from that Utah skyline. Is that your plan? Are you going to run away?

Blake Baker said...

I know not what the future holds, but i know it is not in Logan, UT, USA.

Creativity Escapes Me said...

Follow your heart, Blake! Follow your heart!

T.R. said...

I think I am looking for the same place you are, even though it will likely be in a different location than yours.

Laverna said...

Isn't it interesting how we are all looking for the same place, yet we all look in (and eventually find, hopefully) different places.