07 November 2007

Great Blakes in History

Since the finger of the most divine Creator touched this planet, and set forth the human machine, there has been one among them who was celebrated for his great heroism, handsome features, and chisled physique. Every generation or so throughout the ages this figure has returned to prominence among mankind. This week we have the choice opportunity of gazing upon the inspiring stoicism and comforting mustache of this Union General. Though the name of General Burnside is more often retold in today's history books, it is seldom heard that Gen. Burnside's rise to relative prominence was largley due to his copying of this Blake's distinct facial grooming. Civil War Blake, you are forgotten no more.


jasEn said...

Someone had fun in Photoshop. Nice.

Suzanne said...

I love it. Too bad it's just not in style right now.

Awright13 said...

He was so famous, so sought after. Sometimes, life takes the beautiful so young!

Laverna said...

Acutally that's not photoshop work. The guy really did exist. Along with him, the origin of the sideburns. Unless Blake has managed to perfect time travel, in the which case it is totally possible that he has travelled back in time to give civil war generals fashion tips. Which is entirely possible.

Blake Baker said...

You fell for the classic blunder!
That is indeed my face. I'll post the original to marvel and amaze you all.